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How lovely are thy branches: Hershey store contributes to inaugural Christmas Tree Showcase

With a fresh-cut Christmas tree, you can bring a little bit of nature indoors.
But Andrea Campbell didn’t stop there with Royer’s contribution to the inaugural Christmas Tree Showcase in Hershey, describing her embellished evergreen as having a “natural, outdoorsy” vibe.
“As if you took a walk in the woods,” said Andrea, who has been with Royer’s for 12 years and has managed the Hershey store for one year.
Royer’s was among six area florists involved with the Christmas Tree Showcase, an exhibit that opened Nov. 17 at the Milton and Catherine Hershey Conservatory at the Hershey Gardens. The six decorated trees surround an ersatz 14-foot poinsettia tree, comprising red and white versions of the traditional Christmas plant.
Andrea, assisted by Hershey sales associate Lexi Miller, used lotus pods, shelf fungus, tree branches, pine cones and the like to achieve the rustic look of their tree. Hershey Gardens provided eight-foot-tall trees to the florists, who brought their own decorations.

Andrea said it took approximately an hour and a half to decorate the tree on Nov. 13.
“It’s kind of my creation, and Lexi helped me put the vision together,” Andrea said. “Because it’s a lot of tree to decorate.”
The flip side is that it’s a lot of tree to behold, which you can do from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily through Dec. 31 (closed Christmas).
You can get a sneak preview courtesy of this gallery on the Pennlive website.

Thank you for donating more than 800 children’s books to area public libraries

Thank you to everyone who donated to “Bouquets for Books,” which this year collected 806 new children’s book for public libraries in the seven counties where we operate.
The book drive, which ran Oct. 28 -Nov. 10, has yielded nearly 19,000 books in its 13-year history.
Anyone who donated a new children’s book was eligible to receive a free bouquet.
Here are the number of books collected by county in 2018:
• Berks: 94
• Cumberland: 58
• Dauphin: 142
• Franklin: 39
• Lebanon: 91
• Lancaster: 219
• York: 163

Thanks for another banner year of kids club events; we’ll have more in 2019!

It seems like just the other day we were kicking off the 2018 Royer’s Kids Club schedule with a Valentine’s Day-themed event. We’re not sure where the time went, but we had a lot of fun with everyone who attended one or more of our five kids events throughout the year.
The photos above are from our final event, held Nov. 10 in each of our stores and featuring a Veterans Day theme.
Thank you to everyone, children and parents alike, for participating this year. We love having you in our stores and sharing our knowledge and passion for everything related to flowers.
We wish everyone a safe, happy holiday season. Meanwhile, we are putting the finishing touches on plans for another great kids club schedule in the year ahead. We can’t wait to tell you all about it!

Royer’s collecting cards and coloring pages Nov. 11-Dec. 4 for area military veterans

Royer’s is collecting cards and coloring pages for area military veterans Nov. 11-Dec. 4 as part of the American Red Cross’ “Holidays for Heroes” program.
Cards may be dropped off at any Royer’s during normal business hours. Free coloring pages can be downloaded here:
Christmas Tree
The Red Cross offers these guidelines for preparing cards:

  • Use generic salutations such as “Dear Veteran” as cards addressed to specific individuals cannot be delivered through this program.
  • Include messages of support and thanks.
  • Sign your name to them.
  • Don’t include letters or other personal information (photos, addresses).
  • Refrain from choosing cards with glitter.


Royer’s Kids Club saluting veterans with Nov. 10 event in all stores

Red, white, blue and you!
For its final kids club event of 2018, the Royer’s Kids Club is honoring the service of all U.S. military veterans.
Children ages 5 to 12 will have an opportunity to make a patriotic arrangement, featuring red and blue carnations and an American flag.
As the price of admission, participants are asked to bring a new children’s book for Bouquets for Books, Royer’s annual book drive to benefit area public libraries.
Participants also will receive a balloon and may decorate a coloring page for Royer’s annual Holidays for Heroes event, which honors veterans and active military members.
Time slots are available at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Registration is required by calling the nearest Royer’s store.

Made in the shade: controlling water and sunlight to improve plant quality

To understand how flower growing has changed in the past four decades, consider 1, 7 and 9.
Those numbers identify the three remaining greenhouses at Royer’s corporate complex in Lebanon. As the breaks in number sequencing suggest, Royer’s had more greenhouses back when we grew our own flowers – nine total at the corporate complex and six more nearby on Colebrook Road.
However, a perfect storm occurred in the 1970s: An oil embargo made it prohibitively expensive for Royer’s and other florists to heat their greenhouses, while Bogota, Colombia was found to offer ideal temperatures and sunlight for growing flowers. In the intervening years, most flower growing has shifted to South America.
Today, as Tom Royer, senior vice president and COO, pointed out, Royer’s isn’t a grower but rather a holder of plants. That is, the company buys from growers both inside and outside the United States. Those plants and flowers are delivered to the corporate complex, where they reside before being distributed to Royer’s 16 stores in seven counties.
Much of the “holding” occurs in the three greenhouses. Two of them – numbers 1 and 7 – are the beneficiaries of substantial new investments in equipment designed to improve plant quality and operating efficiency.

Turn of a timer, flip of a switch

Specifically, we more than doubled our flood table capacity (Royer’s got its first flood tables in 1999) for automatic plant watering and installed a shading system that can control the amount of sunlight with the flip of a switch.
Each flood table has its own water reservoir. Once per day, we turn on a timer that floods the table for typically 15 minutes but longer if external conditions warrant. The plants, lined up in rows, drink through openings in the bottom of their containers.
In other words, a worker doesn’t have to tend to each plant individually, a time-consuming proposition considering the hundreds of containers.
“Now I can water all these plants in 15 minutes,” Tom said, “whereas it would take somebody two or three hours to do that day after day after day.”

Conserving water

The reduced labor also will improve quality, as watering won’t ever have to be sacrificed for the sake of other time demands. (In some cases, watering from above can cause damage, such as stains on violet petals.)
Of course, not all plants need the same amount of water.
“Just like people, they drink different, they eat different,” Tom said. Reflecting those differences, Royer’s separates plants by type (all violets on one bench, for instance) or at least by pot size and waters them accordingly.
Water that isn’t absorbed by the plants goes back into each table’s reservoir so it can be conserved and reused.
Another greenhouse variable is sunlight. In greenhouse 7, which holds blooming plants, a system of cables and pulleys operates the fabric shade cloths. By controlling the amount of sunlight, Royer’s can maintain an internal temperature of 75 degrees.
“If these shade cloths weren’t on here,” Tom noted on a warm, sunny day in early October, “it would be a lot hotter in here.”
Tom said the expenditure on flood tables and the shade system are the price of doing right by customers.
“It’s an investment in the future,” he said. “It’s worth it to me to do that because long term I’m going to have better product. It’s going to be taken care of properly. It will grow better, too.”

Royer’s collecting new children’s books Oct. 28-Nov. 10 to benefit area public libraries

Give a new book, get a fresh bouquet.
That’s the simple proposition behind Royer’s Flowers & Gifts’ annual children’s book drive, which this year runs Oct. 28-Nov. 10.
Bouquets for Books benefits public libraries in Berks, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon and York counties.
For each new book, donors will receive a free bouquet, up to three per family per visit, while supplies last. Used books will not be accepted.
For more information, including library wish lists, visit

Postcard from Quito, Ecuador

A field of babies breath and a breath-taking mountain view in Quito

Located in the northwest part of South America, Ecuador’s name betrays another fact about its geographic location. Ecuador is Spanish for equator, the imaginary line that separates the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres.
Quito, Ecuador’s capital, sits more than 9,000 feet above sea level. That combination – proximity to the equator and elevation – are what make Quito a near-perfect place to grow flowers. A 2015 article in the Financial Times noted that Ecuador was the world’s third-biggest exporter of cut flowers, 73 percent of which were roses.
“Roses grown at high altitude have a much longer growing cycle than those cultivated at sea level, up to 15 weeks as opposed to eight, so it is perfect for long-stemmed varieties with big heads,” said an official with a Dutch flower breeder. “The cold nights mean that you get a lot of bi-colors, with contrasting hues on the edges and the insides of petals, which are very sought after in certain markets.”
Tom Royer, our senior vice president and chief operating officer, had been to Quito on multiple occasions prior to his latest visit in September. His nephew, area manager Geoff Royer, had previously joined Tom on trips to flower farms in Bogota and Medellin in Colombia.

Product quality

Because more flower growers ship out of Bogota than Quito, freight costs are more competitive, Geoff said. Quito also has a higher minimum wage that gets passed along to flower buyers.
While Royer’s has tended to buy most of its roses from Colombia because of cost, Tom and Geoff felt compelled to visit Quito because of the undeniable quality of the product there.
This was Geoff’s first exposure to Quito.
The first thing you notice when you get into Quito is the landscape,” Geoff said. “Where Bogota is a plateau and very flat, Quito sits in a river valley.”

Elevation is elevating

Quito is some 700 feet higher in elevation that Bogota.
“That 700 feet is what makes all the difference,” Geoff said. “Because the flowers are closer to the sun, its intensity is much higher. This leads to bigger roses and brighter colors. You can buy the same varieties in both places, but in Quito they are that much better.”
Tom and Geoff wanted a first-hand look at “what’s out there and what’s new,” Geoff said. “We visited a few growers, some whom we’ve dealt with before and others not. As always, we are trying to find the best, longest-lasting product that’s out there.”
Among the Quito-grown products that Royer’s customers could be seeing:
–Hydrangea: “It’s a bigger head and the colors are different from the white and blue that we carry now. There are even some with variegation in the colors,” Geoff said.
–Painted rose: This is a white rose with outside petals hand-painted red. “We sometimes have that that variety of white rose, but the painting is different from anything we’ve had before,” Geoff said.
–Babies breath: Tom and Geoff visited a new grower. “What we get now is called Million Star, a variety that has a smaller flower. This grower offers that but also other varieties with bigger flowers and sturdier stems,” Geoff said.

Royer’s name-the-arrangement online contest runs July 15-31

Royer’s Flowers & Gifts’ annual name-the-arrangement contest is four times more fun this summer.
The winning name will apply to one arrangement that’s available in four sizes, small through extra-large.
The person who submits the winning name will receive a small version of the arrangement (retail value $21.99), which features yellow alstroemeria and daisy pom pons, peach hypericum and mini carnations, and orange carnations.
To view the arrangement and enter the contest, visit
Limit one entry daily per email address, July 15 through July 31.

Royer’s annual food drive kicks off with June 16 kids club event

Royer’s Flowers & Gifts’ annual food drive returns June 16-30.
The Royer’s Kids Club will kick it off with an event June 16 in all Royer’s stores.
Children ages 5 to 12 are asked to bring a nonperishable food item as the price of admission.
They will have an opportunity to decorate their own pot and plant marigold seeds in it and to enter the kids club birthday card design contest (the winner receives a flower delivery on his or her birthday). Each participant also will receive a balloon.
Time slots are available at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Registration is required by calling the nearest Royer’s store.