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Easiest Houseplants to Care for

Not everyone has a green thumb, but everyone can be a plant parent. 

There’s plenty of plants that are low maintenance and resilient – perfect for those who struggle to stay consistent in their plant care routine or have had issues with more demanding plants.

If this describes you, try one of these more easy-to-care for, but still beautiful, plants below:


Philodendrons don’t like to be overwatered, making them a good choice for those who sometimes forget about their plants or someone who travels a lot.

They can handle regular indoor temperatures as long as they aren’t placed near vents. Philodendrons prefer medium to bright indirect light, but certain types can handle low light. For other care, it is suggested to fertilize Philodendrons during the spring and summer and to prune them as needed.

We currently offer many different types of Philodendrons including Stenolobrum Narrow, Golden Girl, Paraiso Verde, Prismacolor Philodendron – Ruby RipCurl and “Fozzie” Philodendron Nangaritense Fuzzy.


Dracaenas are very resilient.. They can handle different light conditions, varying amounts of water, within reason, and don’t require fertilizer. They can also be placed outside during the warmer months because of their tolerance.

They are a perfect starter plant for those new to owning houseplants.

Royer’s currently has a couple Dracaena plants available, including Dracaena Hawaiian and Janet Craig Dracaena Compacta Care.


Cacti are made to survive in the desert, so chances are they will be fine in whatever environment your home or office offers. Because of their ability to store water, they can handle going a very long time without water in case you forget.

They only need to be watered when the soil is completely dry, so it’s actually somewhat beneficial if you forget about them. As long as they have bright, direct light they should thrive.

We currently offer two different types of cacti: Cactus Spineless and Cactus Cereus Jamacaru


Succulents only need water when the soil has completely dried out. They will also alert you that they have been overwatered, if that is your concern, by their leaves turning yellow.

They are also easy to rescue. If you happen to overwater them they can be transferred out of the over-saturated soil and pot, placed in the sun to dry and then placed back in a clean pot with less soggy soil.

As long as a succulent has good drainage, they should be able to thrive.

We have a wide collection of succulents with varying fun containers to add brightness to your space.

Air Plant

Air plants don’t have any soil, which makes them easier to care for for beginners. Most air plants just need to soak in distilled water for 20 to 40 minutes every week or every other week.

Air plants thrive in bright to medium indirect light. Be sure not to expose them to direct light as it can burn their leaves.

Air plants are also unique because they can be displayed in many different ways since they aren’t confined to a pot. We have a Tillandsia air plant that hangs in the middle of a metal circle, making for a sleek and modern living decoration.


Although not a singular plant, terrariums are possibly the easiest way to add greenery to your home or office. The contained ecosystem is self-sustaining. They require no watering or fertilizing for up to a year.

Terrariums are fool-proof and perfect for someone who has little time to care for a plant but appreciates their beauty and health benefits.

We currently offer the Greene Mountain Terrarium, which is perfect for new plant parents.


Caring for begonias requires consistency, but not perfection. As long as you give them water, ensure their environment doesn’t have extreme temperatures and expose them to bright, indirect light they will thrive.

Begonias are mostly able to handle drought-like conditions; the top two inches of soil actually need to dry out before it gets watered.

We currently offer the Begonia Criss Cross plant for those looking to test their skills.


Commonly called snake plants, Sansevierias are unique, but simple to care for plants. Sansevierias store water, so they don’t require lots of watering. They can go weeks without watering; be sure not to water them until the soil is completely dry. Snake plants prefer indirect light, but are able to adapt to most conditions.

We have a variety of Sansevieria plants for those who want to add the plant to their collection.

Keeping Pets Safe Around Holiday Plants

Plants are a beautiful, traditional way to celebrate the holidays. 

However, some of the plants associated with Christmas are dangerous to our furry friends. If you have a pet and are planning to use live plants to decorate for the holidays, it’s important to know which plants are toxic to pets and how to keep your pets safe.

Holiday plants that are dangerous for pets


According to the Pet Poison Helpline the American and European variety of mistletoe are not good for animals. Although both types can cause issues for pets, the European variety is the most toxic.

Signs that your pet has ingested mistletoe includes drooling, vomiting and diarrhea which is all caused from the polysaccharides, alkaloids and lectins in the berries on the mistletoe. If a large amount of berries are eaten there can be more serious side effects such as an abnormal heart rate, low blood pressure, ataxia, seizures, collapse and even death.


The English, Japanese and Chinese varieties of holly have toxic saponins, according to the Pet Poison Helpline.

English holly is the traditional plant used for Christmas decorating. Signs an animal has eaten holly includes vomiting and diarrhea.


Arguably the most popular Christmas plant besides actual Christmas trees, poinsettias can be found in many houses during the holiday season. These plants are often used to decorate for holiday parties and grace entryways and are often given as gifts.

Contrary to myths, which are hypothesized to have started over a hundred years ago after a child was found dead next to a poinsettia, they are not deadly.

According to the National Capital Poison Center, poinsettias can cause some issues like vomiting, nausea and diarrhea when eaten by pets, but it will not kill them. Some pets may also experience skin irritation if they brush up against the plant.


The ASPCA states that Amaryllis plants are toxic to dogs, cats and horses because they have lycorine. When ingested, Amaryllis can cause animals to have vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, anorexia, tremors and depression.

What to do if your pet eats any of these plants

If you even suspect your pet has eaten any parts of these holiday plants, immediately seek veterinary assistance and contact either of these hotlines:

  • ASPCA 24/7 Poison Control Hotline: 888-426-4435
  • Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

Tips for keeping pets away from dangerous plants

If you are planning on having any of the listed plants in your home and have pets, it is imperative that you take precautions to keep them away from your animals.

Keep your plants in rooms your pets are not allowed in or place them high up in areas they don’t go, such as on the kitchen table. Consider using the plants as decorations for your front porch as opposed to inside with your pets.

Make sure that even if the plants are out of reach that no debris like leaves or petals fall on the floor where a curious critter can find them.

Place the numbers for the previously listed pet poison hotlines somewhere you can immediately access, like on the fridge, just in case of an accident.

Pet safe holiday plants

Rosemary and Christmas Cactuses are both non-toxic holiday plant options for those with pets who find a way to get into everything. 

Rosemary is often shaped to look like a mini Christmas tree for the holiday season. Christmas cactuses add a pop of color with their bright pinkish-red flowers in bloom. Both are safe and festive options for households with pets.

If preventative measures are taken and you are observant of your pet, your holiday plants and pets can safely coexist together.

To get the most out of your poinsettia, treat it like the tropical plant it is

If you’ve watched the classic TV version of “Frosty the Snowman,” your heart probably sank when he stepped out of the cold and snow into a warm greenhouse.

He melted in the heat, only to come back to life when Santa opened the greenhouse door and let a cold draft of air in.

What you may not have noticed was that the greenhouse was filled with red poinsettias. For them, a cold draft is a dangerous thing.

“Poinsettias don’t like the cold, so you want to keep them away from drafty doors,” said Geoff Royer, Royer’s vice president of central operations.

The juxtaposition of poinsettias, also known as “The Christmas Flower,” with cold and snow belies the fact that they are tropical plants, native to Mexico and Central America.

You must treat them as such if you want to get the most out of your poinsettia this holiday season.

National Poinsettia Day

Of course, December is synonymous with Christmas, but Dec. 12 is National Poinsettia Day. It commemorates the 1851 death of Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico and the man after whom poinsettias are named.

Poinsett introduced the plant to the United States in 1825, sending samples to friends in his native Charleston, S.C. Poinsettias made their public debut at a Philadelphia flower show in 1829.

For their first hundred years in America, poinsettias were mostly sold as cut flowers. That was until Paul Ecke, a southern California agriculturalist, created varieties that could be shipped in pots.

Poinsettias registered sales of $213.7 million last year, according to Axios, up 40 percent from 2020.

Care tips

But for all the popularity of poinsettias, how to care for them remains much less well known and bear repeating. In fact, we go over poinsettia care tips with our own staff in the lead-up to every holiday season.

Geoff Royer, vice president of central operations, Royer’s Flowers & Gifts.

Unless you want to end up on someone’s naughty list, here’s what else you need to know to ensure your Christmas Flower lasts well into the new year.

  • Average room temperature is fine. Poinsettias can’t tolerate cold (including icy water) and can suffer from droopy leaves (a condition known as epinasty) if exposed to cold temperatures.
  • Epinasty also can result from a build-up of ethylene gas. Big-box retailers are notorious for leaving poinsettias in plastic sleeves, which trap ethylene and essentially ruin the plant.
  • Bright, ample light is best for the plant, mimicking conditions in Mexico.
  • Keep the plant moist but not sitting in water. Like people, poinsettias don’t like wet feet. The frequency and amount of water will vary depending upon the amount of sunlight, humidity and pot size to which the plant is exposed.
  • Poinsettias are sensitive plants, so you want to avoid banging them into things as they can bruise easily.

We wish you and your family a Happy Poinsettia Day and a Merry Christmas!

Tips to Make the Most out of Your Annual Plants

We see them just about everywhere around this time of year in hanging baskets, patio pots and arranged beautifully in garden beds. Annual plants, such as petunias, geraniums and begonias to name a few, complete their life cycle within a years’ time. Being both fairly easy to care for and their ability to look stunning all season long, annuals are perfect for any gardener, with or without experience.

During the pandemic many novice gardeners picked up the hobby of gardening though annual plants, transforming their garden space into a blooming oasis. Continue reading if you are new to these beautiful outdoor plants and would like a few care tips or would like to learn more about them.


Most annuals require full sun, at least six to eight hours daily. Annuals that thrive in the sun include geraniums, petunias and marigolds.

If partial shade is an option or necessity based on where you want to place the flowers, good varieties include begonias, impatiens, fuchsia and coleus.


Annuals don’t have deep roots because they focus on producing flowers. Be aware of outside conditions such as heat, direct sunlight and wind which can dry the soil out quickly.

Most annuals like soil that is slightly or evenly moist two to three inches down. A rule of thumb is that when the soil is dry one inch below the surface, its time to give the plant water.

The lush foliage of some annual plants can make it difficult for water to make its way down to its roots, so do more than “sprinkle”, water deeply.

When container gardening, check often for water and use containers with drainage holes.


Container plants don’t come in nutrient-rich soil, rather a potting mix including peat moss. Providing your plants with a water-soluble fertilizer on a weekly basis, whether in the garden or in a container will help to make the plant as beautiful and healthy as possible.


Sometimes annuals benefit from a bit of “refreshing” during the heat of the summer. Just pick or trim tired blooms and give them some water-soluble fertilizer and they’ll spring back.

By following these steps, you will be sure to enjoy healthy, vibrant annuals all summer long.

Extending the Life of your Spring Bulbs

Even after the Easter Bunny has visited and the last eggs are hunted, Easter bulbs – such as daffodils (narcissus), hyacinths, and tulips will bring beauty and color into your home. In fact, you can make the flowers last a lot longer by following these few tips.

The key to making the blooms last longer is to keep the plants in a cool place, such as your garage or porch. For smaller plants, such as a single-bloom hyacinth, finding space in your refrigerator will work just as well. This will stall the normal aging process, extending the life of the blooms.

Keeping your bulbs in a cool place overnight or while at work will help extend the life of your bloom and allow for maximum enjoyment when you are at home. Not all bulbs are freeze tolerant so keep temperatures in mind, especially overnight.

Like any living plant, it’s also important to keep the plants watered. Most bulbs like to be watered at soil level rather than overhead. Do not overwater, the soil should not be saturated at all times.

After your bulb plants have finished blooming, let the plant die back into itself. Allowing the leaves to yellow and wither before removing will help nourish the bulb for the following year by. Keep in mind this is different from deadheading the bloom which can be beneficial to bulb growth. Keep the bulb in its pot and store in a cool, dark place. In early fall, separate the bulbs and plant them in your garden in anticipation of their blooming again next spring. Be mindful that some bulbs will not come back depending on climates, among other reasons, following these tips does not guarantee that your bulbs will bloom again.

Poinsettia Facts & Tips for this Christmas and Next

We typically think of the North Pole when it comes to Christmas, but the most popular holiday plant originates with our neighbor to the south.

Poinsettias are native to Mexico and were introduced to the United States in 1825 by Joel Roberts Poinsett, who was the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico.

In fact, Poinsett’s death in 1851 is commemorated every Dec. 12 as National Poinsettia Day.

Did You Know?

  • The colored parts of poinsettias aren’t flowers but bracts (leaves).
  • Poinsettias are not poisonous, to humans or pets: An Ohio State study found that a 50-pound child who ate 500 bracts (leaves) might have a slight tummy ache.
  • Poinsettias are commercially grown in all 50 states. For instance, the 20,000 poinsettias that Royer’s receives each year are from Lancaster County.
  • Ninety percent of all poinsettias are exported from the United States.

Poinsettia Care

Keeping your poinsettia looking great this Christmas takes two easy steps, but did you know with a few more steps you can have a wonderful poinsettia next Christmas as well?

This Christmas

  • When the surface of the soil is dry to the touch, water the plant.
  • Keep the poinsettia in a room with temperatures between 60 and 72 degrees. Keep the plant out of hot and cold drafts, such as those from a heating vent or open door.

Next Christmas

  • When leaves begin to drop, let dry slightly between watering.
  • In late spring (early May) cut back plant to 6 inches, shake free of soil and repot in new potting soil, then resume regular watering. Fertilize with a 30-10-10 fertilizer twice monthly. Stop fertilizing November 1st until December 30th.
  • Place outdoors in a warm sunny location when the temperatures are consistently over 60 degrees.
  • Pinch the tips of new shoots when they reach 6 to 8 inches long until late July. Continue to fertilize every two weeks.
  • Bring indoors before cold nights (early September) and place indoors in full sun. Three to six hours of sunlight is needed.
  • In order for poinsettias to bloom, they must have 14 hours of uninterrupted darkness each day for 40 days (late September through October). Place in a dark place such as a closet or cover with a bag from early evening and remove the next morning so that the plant is in total darkness.
  • When #6 is followed, your poinsettia will bloom at Christmas, but remember, it only takes 10 minutes of light per day during the time it was dark and your plant won’t bloom until January or February.

Need help sorting out clovers from shamrocks? You’re in luck

I’m looking over a four-leaf clover that I over looked before.
Most of us have heard the song by that name, which also happens to be its first line. But you’re in rare company if you’ve actually come across a four-leaf clover in the wild.
Your odds of finding one? One in 10,000, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. They’re so rare because they are an unusual mutation of a three-leaf clover.
Of course, we commonly associate the three-leaf clover with St. Patrick’s Day and Ireland. It’s also known as a shamrock, which comes from an Irish word that means “little clover.”

St. Patrick is said to have explained the holy trinity – father, son and holy spirit – by using a shamrock.

Here’s a way to keep things straight: All shamrocks are clovers, but not all clovers are shamrocks. That is, if a clover is a shamrock with three leaves, by definition it can’t have four leaves.
A shamrock is not associated with any specific clover species, of which there are hundreds. One of the plants that is called shamrock is oxalis, also known as wood sorrel or “love plant.” Royer’s obtains its oxalis plants from Canada.
Oxalis also is called a “false shamrock” because it’s not actually in the shamrock family but is better suited to the indoor environment than clover species are.
The oxalis plant is photophilic, meaning that its leaves and flowers close at night and open in the morning. Oxalis likes bright light, including full afternoon sun in the winter.


  • Keep the soil barely damp, allowing it to dry slightly between waterings.
  • Cool temperatures are best, especially during blooming: 50 to 65 degrees at night, 70 to 75 degrees during day.
  • When the plant is actively growing in the winter/spring, feed it liquid fertilizer once per month. When it stops blooming, fertilize every other month until it goes dormant.
  • In the summer, oxalis will go dormant. When it starts to fade, stop watering and store the plant for two to three months in a cool, dark place. for a few weeks to three months. After this period, bring the plant back out and resume watering.
  • The plant can be repotted and/or divided, although it can remain in the same soil and pot for several years. To divide while the plant is dormant, look for small, bulb-like structures just below the soil surface. Gently pull these apart and pot in small groups.

Poinsettia primer: learning about and caring for the most popular holiday plant

We typically think of the North Pole when it comes to Christmas, but the most popular holiday plant originates with our neighbor to the south.
Poinsettias are native to Mexico and were introduced to the United States in 1825 by Joel Roberts Poinsett, who was the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico.
In fact, Poinsett’s death in 1851 is commemorated every Dec. 12 as National Poinsettia Day.
Some other facts:

  • The colored parts of poinsettias aren’t flowers but bracts (leaves).
  • Poinsettias have been called the lobster flower and flame leaf flower.
  • Poinsettias are not poisonous, to humans or pets: An Ohio State study found that a 50-pound child who ate 500 bracts (leaves) might have a slight tummy ache.
  • Poinsettias are commercially grown in all 50 states. For instance, the 20,000 poinsettias that Royer’s receives each year are from Lancaster County.
  • Ninety percent of all poinsettias are exported from the United States.


  • Average room temperature is fine; they cannot tolerate cold.
  • Bright light is best, as they originate from the warm, bright southwest and Mexico. If given ample sunlight, they’ll last well into the new year.
  • Avoid keeping a plant too wet, they like moist but not wet. Frequency and amount of water will vary depending upon amount of sun, humidity in house and pot size.

5 things you should know about caring for annual plants

So you bought annual plants in a container at your local florist, garden center or home-improvement store.
Annual plants – such as petunias, geraniums and begonias that complete their life cycles in one year – pose perennial challenges once you bring them home.
Here are five things you should know about caring for your annuals:
1. You have to add nutrients: Your plant didn’t come in nutrient-rich soil. Rather, it’s a potting mix that includes peat moss. This mixture is inert, meaning that it doesn’t contain the nutrients found in soil. So you have to add the nutrients by applying fertilizer on a regular basis.
2. Fertilizer is soluble, so you have to keep adding it: Regular watering of your annual plants will wash out the added nutrients if the container has drainage holes on the bottom.
3. Don’t add too much fertilizer: One of the ingredients in fertilizer is salt. Too much fertilizer – and with it, too much salt – can damage plant roots. The salt in the fertilizer will remove whatever moisture is left in the roots and burn them.
4. Cut the amount in half: Whatever dosage the fertilizer manufacturer recommends, consider cutting the amount in half and fertilizing every time you water. This way you have less of a chance of burning the roots, and your plant gets a continual supply of nutrients rather than peaks and valleys.
5. Give them a pinch: Remove the old blooms and pinch a plant’s tips, which will force out new growth. An occasional light trim will keep a plant bushy and blooming.
With proper care, your annual plants will bloom beautifully for you this summer.

Royer’s delivers Mother’s Day flower and plant tips to Fox 43

Barry Spengler of Royer’s Flowers talks Mother’s Day with Fox 43’s Heather Warner.

Barry Spengler, Royer’s vice president of operations, has a simple message when it comes to Mother’s Day.
“The key,” he told Fox 43’s Heather Warner, “just don’t forget Mom. That’s bad.”
Barry offered a number of options, from one or two roses wrapped up to a mixed bouquet in a vase to porch plants such as gerbera daisies or calla lilies.
Potted plants want to be outside, he said, and require a lot of water.
“People under-water these,” he said. “They need a lot of water. I get a gallon jug, fill it all the way up. And I usually dump most of the gallon a day on it. All of the excess will run out. …
“And every once a week, I usually add the fertilizer to the jug and fill it.”
You can view the entire segment below.